A Week In The Life
Every Sunday
10:30 AM In Person Worship Service
10:30 AM Live Streamed Worship
10:30 AM Youth Group Meeting,
Sunday School classes and infant care available
First Sundays
11:45 AM Disciples Women's Ministries Meeting
First Mondays
7:00 PM Elder's Meeting
Second Mondays
6:00 PM Trustee Meeting
6:00 PM Stewardship & Finance Meeting
7:00 PM Board Meeting
Every Tuesday
7:00 PM Men's Group Zoom Meeting
Third Tuesdays
9:30 AM Breakfast Fellowship
Every Wednesday
12:00 PM Bible & Bag
Third Wednesdays
9:30 AM Capitol Disciple Mailing
Second Saturdays
10:00 AM Micah 6:8 Group
Sunday School Groups
Every Sunday classes begin at 10:30 AM for children 4 years old and up. A children's sermon is available during the Sunday service, with classes afterward. Nursery care is also available during the service.
Chi Rho is for all youth in grades 6-8. CYF is for all youth in grades 9-12. The children meet twice a month for outings, games or meals. In addition to meetings, there is church camp once a year and other opportunities throughout the year for community, learning and fun! Summer Camps are led by trained, carefully screened volunteers. Summer Church Camps are held at the beautiful Community of the Great Commission near Foresthill.
Adult Groups
Bible & Bag
Bible & Bag study meets Wednesdays in the library at noon and by zoom. All ages are invited to attend this lively Bible Study. Bring your bible and your sack lunch.
Breakfast Fellowship
The Breakfast Fellowship meets at 9:30 AM every third Tuesday at various location in the Sacramento area. All are welcome for a morning of fellowship. Contact the church office for this month's restaurant location.
Disciples Women's Ministries
This group organizes opportunities for spiritual growth, fellowship, education and creative ministries through local events, as well as regional or world outreach programs.
Micah 6:8 Group
Mission to promote social/environmental justice and anti-racism in our community.
FCC Crafters (currently on break)
Please join us on the 4th Saturday of the month from 9:30am - 2:30pm. We share ideas and work on crafts. Invite your friends, mom, and kids. Bring your own lunch and beverage. See Janet Spencer or Marge Rushing, or leave a message with the church office for details. All women are invited!
Girls Night Out (currently on break)
Every third Monday at 6:00 PM all women, ages 0-100 are invited. Sign up on the bulletin board or call Pastor Vickie
Red Hats Lunch Bunch (currently on break)
All women ages 50 and better are welcome to join FCC "Feisty Christian Crones" at our just-for-the-fun monthly Saturday luncheons. The only requirements are a red hat, purple or red top and an Attitude of Hatitude!